Saturday, September 27, 2008

Finding joy in simple things

After a looong week of endless mind-numbing mathematical proofs, the Sox getting pummeled by the Yankees last night, 19-8 (yes, I know it was a throw-away game, but it still hurts for many reasons), and dreary, muggy, rainy weekend, two great things happened this morning on my way back from the gym that brought a smile to my face:

1) I figured out the origin of the word "brunch"!!! I was thinking about what to have for lunch and decided to have an English muffin. I remembered the episode of Scrubs where they talked about brinner ("breakfast for dinner") and thought that it would be a good thing to have a name for "breakfast for lunch"---that's when it dawned on me that it already exists: BRUNCH! (And to think that for all the years since I have been in the US, I always wondered where "brunch" came from).

2) I had to stop by Staples to get some more of my beloved Papermate twisty-bottom pencils and got sooo excited to be there: I forgot how much I love the smell of school supplies, so I spent about 15 minutes wondering around the aisles, playing with fun paper clips, looking at different types of pens, and being completely amazed at the scientific achievements that led to the creation of clicky-top Sharpie markers.

(Yes, I do realize this post makes for a major nerd-alert, but oh well...that's me!)