It is amazing how our plans can change in a matter of minutes. Yesterday, I had barely got into the office and turned on my computer when a co-worker came in and excitedly said: "I think I know of something that might interest you." He then proceeded to tell me that apparently American Airlines had made a mistake on their website and that there were flights to Moscow from Reagan airport for around $230.00, roundtrip! Of course, I didn't believe him, but after going to the website and actually seeing the fares for myself, within 10 minutes I had a ticket to Moscow for end of April on hold for me for $233.20. Of course, it took me a while to calm down and realize that I am going home in 6 weeks. Well, the "cheap tickets to Russia" craze took over the office, so in a matter of an hour, another co-worker next door had several tickets on hold in addition to the co-worker who had found the fare (him and his buddy are going to Moscow for a weekend). Then the fever began to spread beyond the office when I started calling the Russian diaspora in DC. A bit later that afternoon, my friend Meg had a ticket on hold for her as well to join me for a few days. While I was thinking about who else to call, the airline realized the mistake and changed the fare back to the normal rate by about 3 pm. So, by the end of the day both Meg and I had tickets to Moscow for April 30, all sorts of plans for what to do once we are there, and an utter sense of disbelief that Im going to see my family for less than it costs to take a round-trip train ride to NYC.