Monday, December 8, 2008

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown

For some time now, every Christmas season I have watched "Charlie Brown Christmas," and every year I have found new (and same) things to laugh and enjoy in the movie. This year, I decided to document some of my favorite moments:

~When Charlie Brown is announced as the director of the Christmas play, everyone boos him, including Snoopy who actually howls at the thought. Charlie Brown walks by him and resentfully says, "Man's best friend."

~Conversation between Shroeder and another little girl:"Beethhoven cannot be that famous. His face has never been on the bubble gum card."

~The movie, despite being a wordly (i.e non-Christian) production, actually reflects the true message of Christmas. It denounces the commercialism of modern-day Christmas ("This commercial dog is not going to ruin my Christmas!":), and in the words of little Linus and his reading of the Nativity Story, it brings back the true meaning of Christmas---the birth of Jesus! (Im surprised they haven't banned this movie as politically incorrect!)

~And, of course, the song!!!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Loooove the Peanuts gang! My Christmas cell phone ring is the song when they're skating!